Thomas Ptashnik Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Contact Information:


Ryan Center for Business Studies 363


Ph.D. - University of Iowa

Brief Biography:

Thomas Ptashnik is an Assistant Professor of Management in the School of Business at Providence College. He teaches Human Resources Management (MGT 320) to undergraduate students.

Dr. Ptashnik conducts research on prosocial motivation, well-being, longitudinal modeling, and human resource management. His work has been published in leading outlets like Psychological Bulletin, featured in business magazines such as Fast Company, put into practice at the Veterans Health Administration, sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and presented at the annual meetings of the Academy of Management and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Area(s) of Expertise:

Teaching Philosophy:

My purpose as an educator is to help students articulate what their dream job is and to give them the tools to obtain it so that they can experience sustainable, fulfilling careers. In my human resource management course, I aim to provide students with a basic understanding as well as an appreciation of the importance of HR. Even for those not pursuing a career in HR after college, this course is an opportunity to understand the mechanisms that decide whether you get the job you want and how your performance and welfare are viewed once you are employed at a company. Students engage with course content through a team-based competitive simulation and leave the course with tangible work-related materials they can use when applying for jobs.

Selected Publications:

Liao, H. Su, R. Ptashnik, T. Nielsen, J. (2022) Feeling good, doing good, and getting ahead: A meta-analytic investigation of the outcomes of prosocial motivation at work. . Psychological Bulletin.

Detailed CV