Our nationally recognized accountancy program teaches more than just “the math.” Our program provides a strong foundation in accountancy knowledge, skills, and tools. It also focuses on providing students the ability to think broadly about accounting and its relationship to society, extending that knowledge to better anticipate and understand the implications of their decisions.
Success preparing graduates for national case competitions, the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam, and jobs with the “Big 4” accounting firms, as well as many regional and local firms, brings national recognition to the Accountancy program, which is a rigorous major that prepares students for a demanding profession. Our curriculum covers all of the major topics covered on the CPA exam, which many students take and pass after graduation. While the CPA exam requires 150 credits, PC offers pathways to complete that requirement as an undergraduate student or by pursuing a graduate program.
We also offer many co-curricular and experiential activities to enhance the educational experience of our students. What sets our Accountancy students apart is an ability to think broadly about accounting and its relationship to society, and to think beyond the “bottom line” about the implications of their decisions.
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
With PC’s Bachelor of Science in accountancy, students adapt the knowledge and skills developed through the study of accounting to new situations encountered in a dynamic business environment. The curriculum includes case analyses, computer labs and assignments, team projects, oral presentations, internships, and research projects. All of the major topics on the CPA exam are covered, and many students take and pass the exam after graduation. We also offer many co-curricular and experiential activities to enhance the educational experience of our students.
Students who take the eight required courses to minor in accountancy will augment other majors with knowledge and skills that are transferable to a wide variety of careers. Students in other majors also may take an accountancy course numbered 300 or higher as an elective.
One-Year Accounting Cohort MBA
For those students who wish to continue their education beyond a bachelor’s degree, the PC Business offers an accounting-specific accelerated MBA Program. The one-year MBA Accounting Cohort Program is designed for students with a background in accounting to complete an MBA degree in 13-14 months full time, summer to summer. The program prepares students for the CPA exam and is focused on providing skills for accounting majors to be successful in future positions in management. Students in this program take courses together, in a cohort model, and courses address the specific skills needed for accountants to be successful in the business community.

Join the PC Accounting Association or the National Association of Black Accountants

Participate in internships in New England, New York, and across the globe

Compete in PC’s Ethics Case Competition or PwC Challenge
Our approximately 20 full- and part-time accountancy faculty members are experts in their field and have won numerous awards for their research and teaching. They are …
- CPAs and Ph.D.s with professional experience and thought leadership in the areas of auditing, financial accounting, management accounting, accounting information systems, tax, and professional ethics.
- Hold advanced degrees from prestigious universities such as the University of Connecticut, University of Massachusetts, University of Pittsburgh, Syracuse University, University of Alabama, and University of Mississippi.
- Published in a variety of academic publications, including The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Accounting Organizations and Society, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Accounting and the Public Interest, and Issues in Accounting Education, as well as practitioner journals, including The CPA Journal, Strategic Finance, Tax Advisor, and many others.
in the news
The Providence College School of Business, home to the Department of Accountancy, is one of just 30% of U.S. business schools accredited by AACSB International. It’s also listed by Poets and Quants as being among the top undergraduate business schools in the nation. What’s more, nearly every PC Business graduate participates in at least one internship at esteemed organizations such as Deloitte, EY, KPMG, PwC, and other national and regional companies, positioning them well for post-graduate success.
of 2019-2023 accountancy graduates are employed and/or attending graduate school
are employed only
are attending school only
are employed and attending school
Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures.
Selected Places of Employment/Service
Amica Mutual Insurance
Bank of America
Citizens Bank
Citrin Cooperman
Fidelity Investments
Gray, Gray & Gray
Merrill Lynch
Santander Bank
Wells Fargo
Selected Graduate Schools
Bentley University
Fairfield University
Florida International University
Iona University
Merrimack College
Monmouth University
New York University
Northeastern University
Northwestern University
Pace University
Providence College
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Sacred Heart
Suffolk University
University of Michigan
University of New Hampshire
University of Notre Dame
Vanderbilt University
School of Business
Office Hours:
Academic Year: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Summer: Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m
Friday 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Ryan Center for Business Studies 135