Nea North

Assistant Professor

Contact Information:


Ryan Center for Business Studies 355


Ph.D. - Marketing University of California Irvine

Brief Biography:

Nea North has a Ph.D. in Marketing from UCI, M.A. in Advertising from UT, and a B.S. in Marketing and Finance from LSUS. Her research focuses on vulnerable populations, resource scarcity, and psychological drivers — e.g. the psychological impacts of charity on the individuals receiving assistance.

She spent years working in marketing and finance for start-ups. Her work included: developing strategic marketing plans, managing digital campaigns, overseeing marketing automation, implementing social media and email campaigns, optimizing conversion, running financial analyses, creating budgets, and more. Sample of tools she used: Salesforce, Marketo, Hubspot, Google Analytics, WordPress, AdRoll, Facebook Ads, Hootsuite, plus more.

Area(s) of Expertise:

Vulnerable Populations, Financial Vulnerability, Resource Scarcity, Holistic Consumer Well-being, Power, Control, Justice, Consumer Behavior, Public Policy

Awards and Honors:

Dean's Inclusive Excellence Award Providence College

Dean's Summer Research Fellowship Award Providence College

AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow AMA

Ray Watson Doctoral Fellowship Paul Merage School of Business

Pedagogical Fellowship University of California, Irvine

Selected Presentations:

North, N. Association for Consumer Research Conference. ACR, Seattle, WA - "Emerging Technologies and Consumer Well-being: Peril and Promise" October, 2023

North, N. AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference. AMA, Arlington, VA - "Political Ideology and The Impacts on Aid Application Effort Requirements" June, 2023

North, N. AMA Winter. AMA, Virtual - "Special Session: Consumer Health and Well-Being in a New Reality" February, 2023

North, N. AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference. AMA, Austin, TX - "Administering Aid in the Face of Scarcity: Downstream Holistic Impacts on Consumers" June, 2022

North, N. Association for Consumer Research Conference. ACR, Virtual - "Delivery of Material Aid: Effects of Aid Restrictiveness on Perception of Justice and Satisfaction Among Consumers of Varying Power Levels" October, 2021

North, N. AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference. AMA, Virtual - "Special Session: When Marketing Backfires - Unintended Consequences and Vulnerable Segments " June, 2021

North, N. AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference. AMA, Virtual - "Material Hardship – How to Better Deliver Aid Using the Power of Choice" May, 2020

North, N. Society of Consumer Psychology Conference. SCP, Huntington Beach, CA - "Making Donations Matter More: The Impacts of Power and Choice on Control & Behavioral Intent" March, 2020