Martha Troncoza

Assistant Professor

Contact Information:


Ryan Center for Business Studies 345


Ph.D. - Marketing Kennesaw State University

Area(s) of Expertise:

Consumer behavior and emotions, gift giving, resilience, vulnerability

Selected Publications:

Troncoza, M. Parke, P. McCain, C. Sinha, M. (2023) Independent Restaurants’ Pandemic Survival Toolkit: Thriving on Community Resilience: An Abstract. Springer Nature Switzerland

Rutherford, B. Troncoza, M. Ambrose, S. Anaza, N. Matthews, R. (2023) One does not fit all: what is in a salesperson sample?. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management.(43), 354-367.

Miller, C. Sajtos, L. Lemon, K. Salas, J. Troncoza, M. Ostrom, L. (2023) Longitudinal upgrades and asymmetric effects of satisfaction and perceived-value. Journal of Services Marketing.(37), 478-495.

Miller, C. Brannon, D. Salas, J. Troncoza, M. (2021) Advertising, incentives, and the upsell: how advertising differentially moderates customer- vs. retailer-directed price incentives’ impact on consumers’ preferences for premium products. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.(49), 1043-1064.

Miller, C. Samper, A. Mandel, N. Brannon, D. Salas, J. Troncoza, M. (2021) Activity apprehension in experiential purchases. Journal of Services Marketing.(35), 516-534.

Detailed CV