Christopher Lyddy

Associate Professor

Contact Information:


Ryan Center for Business Studies 267


Ph.D. - Organizational Behavior Case Western Reserve University

Brief Biography:

My research explores the nature, integration, and impacts of mindfulness at work, and has been featured in leading outlets like Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, and Harvard Business Review. My theoretical papers have established theoretical frameworks clarifying how mindfulness influences workplace functioning, and my empirical work examines how mindfulness may benefit and impair job performance, relationships, and communication at work through self-control. As a teacher, I help students learn to cultivate personal and collective thriving. I serve on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Organizational Behavior, and review for numerous other journals. In my moments of spare time, I enjoy meditating, cooking international cuisine, and enjoying the great outdoors.

Area(s) of Expertise:

The integration and impacts of mindfulness and related practices in organizational contexts; self-regulation.

Awards and Honors:

2022 Excellence in Research Award Providence College School of Business

2021 Excellence in Research Award Providence College School of Business

2021 Scholarly Impact Award Journal of Management

2018 Dean’s Summer Research Fellowship Award Providence College School of Business

Best Theory-to-Practice Paper ODC Division, Academy of Management

Selected Publications:

Good, D. Lyddy, C. Thompson, P. Becker, W. Home Alone During a Crisis: Mindfulness as a Moderator of Situational Anxiety’s Relationship to Loneliness and Job Performance. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.

Lyddy, C. Good, D. Kriz, T. Stephens, J. (2022) Contemplating critique: Mindfulness attenuates self-esteem and self-regulatory impacts of negative feedback. Mindfulness.

Lyddy, C. Good, D. Bolino, M. Thompson, P. Stephens, J. (2021) The costs of mindfulness at work: The moderating role of mindfulness in surface acting, self-control depletion, and performance outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology.(106), 1921–1938.

Caporale-Berkowitz, N. Boyer, B. Lyddy, C. Good, D. Rochlen, A. Parent, M. (2021) Search Inside Yourself: Investigating the effects of a widely adopted mindfulness-at-work development program . International Journal of Workplace Health Management.(14), 593-604.

Lyddy, C. Good, D. Bolino, M. Thompson, P. Stephens, J. (2021) Where mindfulness falls short. Harvard Business Review.

Roche, M. Good, D. Lyddy, C. Tuckey, M. Grazier, M. Leroy, H. Hülsheger, U. (2020) A Swiss army knife? How science challenges our understanding of mindfulness in the workplace. Organizational Dynamics.(49), 100766.

Lyddy, C. Good, D. (2017) Being while Doing: An inductive model of mindfulness at work. Frontiers in Psychology.(7), 2060.

Lyddy, C. Reyer, A. Schachter, Y. Julliard, K. (2016) Transfer of mindfulness training to the work setting: A qualitative study in a health care system. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions.(36), 240-248.

Stephens, J. Lyddy, C. (2016) Operationalizing heedful interrelating: How attending, responding, and feeling comprise coordinating and predict performance in self-managing teams. Frontiers in Psychology.(7), 362.

Good, D. Lyddy, C. Glomb, T. Bono, J. Brown, K. Duffy, M. Baer, R. Brewer, J. Lazar, S. (2016) Contemplating mindfulness at work: An integrative review. Journal of Management.(42), 114–142.

Selected Presentations:

Lyddy, C. Good, D. Academy of Management. , Boston, MA - "Mindfulness: Exploring A Potential Factor Reducing Retaliation in Teams" August, 2019

Good, D. Lee, A. Lyddy, C. Society for Industrial and Organizational Pyschology Annual Meeting 2019. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Washington, DC - "The Science and Practice of Mindfulness in the Workplace" April, 2019

Lyddy, C. Healey, T. LaRoche, G. Lee, A. International Symposium for Contemplative Research. Mind & Life Institute, Phoenix, AZ - "Contemplative Management: The Emerging Art and Science of Mindfulness at Work" November, 2018

Lyddy, C. Ahlvik, C. Reina, C. Good, D. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. , Chicago, IL - "Overworked and Under-Resourced: A Mindfulness Intervention for Middle Manager Well-Being" August, 2018

Lyddy, C. Good, D. Mindfulness at Work Summit. Mindful Leader, Virtual - "The Science of Contemplative Management: Impacts and Integration of Mindfulness at Work" June, 2018

Good, D. Lyddy, C. Margolis, J. Bono, J. Druskat, V. Fisher, C. Lei, Z. Resick, C. , . Academy of Management Annual Meeting. , Atlanta, GA - "Present Together: Incubating Research at the Interface of Mindfulness and Teams" August, 2017

Lyddy, C. Healey, T. The Future of People. MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA - "Mindfulness at Work" December, 2016

Julliard, K. Citkowitz, C. Lyddy, C. Resnicoff, M. Reyer, A. International Symposium on Contemplative Studies. , San Diego, CA - "Implementing organizational mindfulness training for health care staff: Challenges and opportunities" November, 2016

Lyddy, C. Good, D. Beyond the informal economy of attention: Eastern mindfulness at work Symposium presentation - Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Academy of Management, Boston, MA - "Eastern mindfulness in organizations: A qualitative exploration of its value, nature, and integration" , 2012

Personal website
