Marketing Minor for Non-Business Majors

What is the Marketing Minor at PC?

Marketing is an art and a science of value creation, communication, delivery, and exchange. The Providence College marketing minor enables students from the School of Arts & Sciences and School of Professional Studies to acquire new marketing communication skills and gain a greater understanding of the connections between the liberal arts and business. The minor complements various non-business majors by creating pathways for students to bridge their main academic focus in liberal arts or professional studies with the business world.

How it Works

The minor is a tailored set of six courses that are intended to provide breadth in the marketing discipline and depth in specific thematic areas, leading to potential careers in sales, consumer research, digital marketing, advertising, media planning, or brand management, among others. Each course includes a hands-on marketing project to provide an experiential component to the minor.

How to Declare

  1. Students applying for the Marketing Minor must have a declared non-business major (either in the School of Arts and Sciences or the School of Professional Studies). 
  2. Email Assistant Professor of Practice Rae Caloura at to make an appointment to discuss the Marketing Minor requirements and declare the Marketing Minor.
  3. After the meeting and the approval of the addition of the Marketing Minor, please fill out the Change of Major/Minor/Concentration Request Form electronically to complete the Marketing Minor declaration process. Please follow the Instructions for Students carefully when completing the online form.

School of Business

Office Hours:
Academic Year: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Summer: Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m
Friday 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Ryan Center for Business Studies 135


The marketing minor consists of six courses. These include two foundational courses that introduce students to core marketing concepts and four additional electives to build a set of six courses to complete the minor.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all minor requirements are completed in a timely manner. The Marketing Department cannot always guarantee seat availability in some of the MKT courses, thus planning ahead is critical to successful completion of the marketing minor.

Prerequisites and proficiency attributes, if any, are indicated in parentheses.


  • MKT 205 Principles of Marketing
  • MKT 335 Buyer Behavior (MKT 205)

Note: A grade of C or higher in MKT 205 is required to continue in the marketing minor.


*A total of four electives are required in addition to the two foundational courses

  • MKT 292 Bauhaus Design (fulfills Fine Arts Core)
  • MKT 310 Personal Selling (MKT 205)
  • MKT 311 Sales Management (MKT 205)
  • MKT 336 Integrated Marketing Communications (MKT 205)
  • MKT 340 Digital Marketing (MKT 205)
  • MKT 342 Social Media Marketing (MKT 205)
  • MKT 344 Sports Marketing (MKT 205)
  • MKT 348 Public Relations (MKT 205)
  • MKT 367 Marketing Campaigns in US History (fulfills Writing II)
  • MKT 404 Advanced Advertising (MKT 205)
  • MKT 423 Fashion Marketing (MKT 205)
  • MKT 426 International Marketing (MKT 205, fulfills Diversity)
  • MKT 434 Marketing Research (MKT 205 and MTH 217)
  • MKT 444 Brand Marketing (MKT 205)
  • MKT 470 Special Topics (MKT 205)
  • MKT 490 Independent Study in Marketing

Note: MKT 450 Marketing Internship cannot be used as a marketing elective.

Please see the PC catalog for current course descriptions for the marketing minor.