Teodros Getachew

Assistant Professor

Contact Information:



Ryan Center for Business Studies 354


Ph.D. - Management Science Clemson University

Area(s) of Expertise:

Operations Management

Selected Publications:

Getachew, T. (2024) Fostering Creativity in Low-Engagement Students Using Socratic Dialogue - an Experiment in an Operations Class. International Journal of Management Education, The.(22), 9.

Getachew, T. (2018) Quantitative Skill Retention and Curriculum Integration in a typical Business School in the United States - a Student Perspective. International Journal of Management Education, The.(16/2), 292-308.

Getachew, T. (2018) The Importance of Quantitative Skill Sets Across Business Functions: An Appraisal of Employer Expectations Versus Curriculum Emphasis in Schools of Business in the United States. BRC Journal of Advances in Education.(Volume 3, Number 1), 1-13.

Getachew, T. Light, G. (2010) A Dual Characterization of Network Entanglement. International Journal of Applied Mathematics.(23), 7.

Getachew, T. Light, G. (2009) A Dual Framework for Time-Variant Network Decision Problems. International Journal of Applied Mathematics.(22), 495-506.

Getachew, T. Kostreva, M. (2002) A Dimension-Reduction Algorithm for Multi-State Decision Problems with Returns in a Partially Ordered Set. . RAIRO Operations Research.(36), 175-190.

Selected Presentations:

Getachew, T. . Computer Integrated Manufacturing Logistics Group, Providence, Rhode Island - "Survey and Classification of Literature on Tactical Delay" , 1991

Getachew, T. Kanet, J. . ORSA/TIMS, Anaheim, California - "Timetabling with Convex, Separable Performance Measures" , 1991

Detailed CV