Meet the 2020-2021 Fellows

This year’s group of fellows included an eclectic group of students from all different majors and class years with all different interests. Read here to learn more about what the 2020-2021 fellows do in their roles and what they do beyond the business school.

Caroline Brodeur ’21

What is your favorite thing about PC?

My favorite part about PC is the community. I love walking around campus and seeing familiar faces even though I can’t recognize anyone right now because of the masks. 

If you could have dinner with three people (famous or not) who would they be and why?

If I could have dinner with any three famous people it would be Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, and Taylor Swift because I want to keep it entertaining. 

Why did you choose Marketing as your major?

I chose marketing as my major because I love how flexible it is. You can really do a lot of things with marketing. You can be creative, you can be strategic, and you can go into any industry you want. 

Quarantine pastime?

My quarantine pastime was trying to do a split. I saw a Tik Tok that told me I could do a split, that anyone could do a split, and I took snapchats documenting me trying to do a split, and I still can’t do a split. 

What was your favorite class at PC?

My favorite class at PC was definitely the scientific chef. It’s in the name, it was a cool class!

Addison Thomas ’21

What is your biggest piece of advice for freshmen?

My biggest piece of advice for any freshmen would be to just really put yourself out there. Introduce yourself to new people, try new things, and just don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. 

What is your favorite part about the fellowship?

My favorite part about the fellowship is that I’m learning so much about how to represent a brand across various social media platforms, and I also have the unique opportunity to network with alumni, staff, and classmates at PC. 

If you could put 3 things in a box from PC what would they be?

If I could put three things in a box from PC, I would put the fan section at the basketball games, unlimited popcorn from McPhail’s, and my prayer card from the first Mass we had freshman year. 

Where is your favorite place you have ever been?

My favorite place I’ve ever been is Seville, Spain. I studied abroad there last Fall, and it’s just one of the most incredible places I’ve ever been. The people are beautiful, I love the food there, and it just has such a great culture. 

What is your favorite memory at PC? 

My favorite memory at PC has to be the Black and White Ball every year because it’s a great excuse to get dressed up and to be with the entire school and have a great night.  

Hannah Langley ’21

Does PC have a Communications major?

PC does not have a Communications major. I actually made it myself through the individualized major program that the school has. It’s a long process, but it was definitely worth it, and hopefully one day there will be a communications major or minor at the school. 

What is your favorite place in Providence?

My favorite place to go in Providence is really just anywhere Downtown. I worked Downtown all summer right on Westminster Street, so I love going there for food and the shops and stuff. I love running there, everything like that.

How is your experience with The Cowl reflected in your work with the Fellowship?

Being an editor for The Cowl for three years now has taught me a lot about writing and style and all that kind of stuff, but really what The Cowl has taught me is time management and attention to detail, and that is what I want to bring to the fellowship especially. 

If you could travel anywhere outside of the country, where would you go?

If I were to travel anywhere, I would first want to go to Italy or Ireland. I am both Italian and Irish, so those are the two places that I would really want to visit most, but really just anywhere in Europe. I would just love to see all of that and the culture and everything. 

What is your favorite building on campus?

My favorite building on campus would probably have to be Slavin just because, obviously before all of this happened and everything, I would spend the majority of my time there, whether it was at the gym or doing homework or in The Cowl office or anything like that, so i just have a lot of good memories there. 

KJ McSweeney ’22

How have your majors played a role in your job as a fellow?

While my role is really aesthetic and visual based, I think the realm of marketing really revolves around data and numbers nowadays. My studies have really taught me to take quantitative data and make it more meaningful, and that really applies to the fellowship. 

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time, I really like to paint or draw, play guitar, and I really like to watch scary movies. 

How do you get involved in the business school if you are not a business major?

As a non-business major, the way that I personally got involved is through the PCSB data analytics boot camp; that was really awesome. You could also be like me and apply for the Benjamin Family Social Media Fellowship next year!

How is the workload with a double major in Math and Computer Science?

So, I’m currently a math major and computer science minor working towards a double major. I’d say the workload is not that bad, especially because a lot of the courses overlap and I find them enjoyable, so the workload is what you make it. 

What color is your hair right now?

If you missed it, this question was asked because my fun fact was that I can’t go over a month without dying my hair, and it’s true. My hair was orange-ish a couple of days ago and now it’s whatever this is! 

Sylvia Amefia ’23

What do you hope to bring to the fellowship?

What I would like to bring into the fellows is a new perspective. As a Marketing major, it is all about creativity so I am glad I now have a platform where I can share my creativity and all of my ideas. 

Where is your favorite place to study on campus?

Either the Business School or Moore Hall. Mostly Moore, because there was always food there before COVID and it’s always nice and cozy. 

What is your favorite memory at PC?

That would have to be last year’s Madness. I am a part of the Motherland dance team so we got to perform and then I loved watching John Legend perform as well. 

What is your favorite song right now?

Actually, I don’t know I have a lot of favorite songs. Nevermind, it’s “The One” by Georgia Smith. 

If you could speak any language, what would it be?

If I could speak any language fluently it would be French. I actually speak two languages but my entire family speaks three or four, so if I could have French under my belt I would love it. 

Brittney Smith ’23

Why did you choose Marketing as your major?

When in high school i participated in a business innovation program. That is where I was introduced to marketing and I knew I wanted to learn more about Marketing at school. 

What is your favorite PC memory so far?

My favorite PC experience so far has to be performing with the Motherland Dance Group at Late Night Madness last year. 

What do you like to do for fun?

I like to binge watch shows on Netflix. Right now I’m watching Girlfriends and I also love to nap. 

What is your favorite class you have taken so far at PC?

My favorite class that I have taken at PC so far is “Intro to Black Studies” with Professor Zofia Edwards

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

If I could live anywhere it would be underwater…but realistically either Atlanta or Toronto.

Jack Sabye ’21

What made you apply to the fellowship?

The reason why I applied to the fellowship is that I really wanted to get a new and different look at data analytics. As a Finance major you don’t get to see a whole lot of marketing analytics and this is a great opportunity to do so. 

What was your favorite place you traveled to while abroad?

My favorite place to travel when studying abroad was Switzerland. I was able to go there as a High School student and being able to go back as a College student was definitely an awesome experience. 

Who would win in a fight…a bear or a gorilla?

Ahhh, I would go gorilla and it’s just cause it’s an intense animal. 

What advice do you have for people studying abroad?

For people going abroad, I would definitely say you want to have a healthy balance between staying in the country in which you are studying and being able to travel because both are really important. It’s really cool to learn the culture that you are in but it is also cool to see new places. 

What will you miss most about PC?

I’m really gonna miss the Ryan Center. Whether studying by myself or going with some classmates, I always really enjoyed studying in that space. 

Want to learn more about applying for next year’s fellowship? Click here!

Social Media Fellowship Application