Iconic Holiday Marketing Campaigns

By Ashley Meeker ’24 

With Christmas right around the corner, it is impossible to avoid the endless holiday marketing campaigns around us. Whether they’re on television, physical displays in stores, or in our social media feeds, companies, and organizations around the globe go above and beyond in terms of marketing. 

Let’s take a moment to reflect on some of the most iconic holiday marketing campaigns.  

  1. The Starbucks Holiday Cup 

The Starbucks Holiday Cup is one of the most recognizable holiday marketing approaches. This campaign was introduced in 1997 to spread the word about the seasonal drinks Starbucks offers during the holidays. As the years have gone on, Starbucks now dedicates November 16 as their “Red Cup Day.” With the purchase of any holiday or fall beverage that day, Starbucks hands out a free red reusable holiday cup. 

  1. Spotify Wrapped  

Since 2016, Spotify has devoted its time to its “Spotify Wrapped” marketing campaign. Formerly known as “A Year in Review,” Spotify gives users an analytics report on their streaming patterns, attractively presented to entice their users to share them on their social media. Spotify breaks down each user’s preferences from their favorite songs, artists, podcasts, and preferred genres of music. 

  1. Google Santa Tracker  

Google developed Santa Tracker in 2004 to raise awareness of their Google Earth product. In the following year, the popularity of Google Earth skyrocketed due to the use of the Santa Tracker. Now, the Santa Tracker is popular among younger kids because it includes videos, games, and other applications. Google also utilizes the Santa Tracker to promote its products to millions of users each year. 

  1. REI #OptOutside  

REI’s #OptOutside campaign launched in 2015 on Black Friday. Every Black Friday, REI closes its stores and gives its employees the day off, encouraging the employees and its customers to enjoy the outdoors instead of shopping. This campaign considered powerful as REI is so committed to its brand identity that it foregoes Black Friday revenue.  

  1. Hershey Kisses Bell 

In 1989, Hershey launched their iconic Hershey Kisses Bell commercial that has become a holiday favorite throughout the years. A bunch of Hershey Kisses are arranged in the shape of a bell and play a Christmas song. The commercial is simple and memorable, which is why it’s a classic.